Sunday, September 11, 2011

Halloween Class 2011

The Halloween Class is going to be on Wednesday, September 28 and Thursday, September 29. The class will start at 6:30 and run until about 10:00 both nights. You can come both nights if you feel like you need more time.

This time I'm doing things a little differently. I have several projects that I've been working on and you will get to choose which ones you want to create. There will be a minimum requirement of 3 projects. The first 3 projects will be $3.50 each and with each additional project the price will be reduced by 50 cents. The minimum fee will be $10.50 for three projects of your choice. Four Projects will be $13.50, Five will cost $16.00, Six will cost $18.00 & Seven will cost $19.50. With a $50 purchase your class fee will be reduced 50% and with a $100 purchase your class fee will be completely waived.

I will be providing adhesive at this class and all other materials, including the treats, but you may want to bring some smaller paper scissors just in case.

I will be introducing new products from this year's catalog and idea book as well as the Holiday Mini Catalog! You will receive a free mini catalog just for coming and there will be a drawing for a free gift!

Please view the slide show of the projects and email me or facebook me which ones you would like to do. The deadline for signing up is Friday, September 25. You can pay your fee at the class but please come if you sign up so I don't buy more supplies than I need.


About Me

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I definitely have an artistic side and love to express my self through music, and paper crafting. I have been a musician since I was a toddler when I first displayed a love of singing and playing the piano. I have taught Piano Lessons for over 20 years now and have enjoyed all of my students over the years. I just signed up to be a Stampin' Up! demonstrator in March of this year (2009) and have loved every minute of it. I hope to be a demonstrator for a long time so I can share ideas with you, my friends!