Monday, May 23, 2011

Here is a slide show that contains pictures of Courtney's Graduation announcement and my niece Ashley's Bridal Shower invitation. I made 37 announcements and 43 invitations! I'm plumb worn out. I've also made graduation congrats and birthday cards during this time and may or may not get pictures of them on here. Next, I will be making Cards for Cadee to sale to earn money to pay for girl's camp this year.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Aurora's April Club Projects

Here are some pictures of the club projects from April. We completed 5 cards. Three of the cards were Birthday cards one was a fun Friend Card that had 4 different folds and the last was a Mother's day card. For July we will most likely do a scrapbook page layout and a card. I haven't decided if we will do a 3-D project.


About Me

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I definitely have an artistic side and love to express my self through music, and paper crafting. I have been a musician since I was a toddler when I first displayed a love of singing and playing the piano. I have taught Piano Lessons for over 20 years now and have enjoyed all of my students over the years. I just signed up to be a Stampin' Up! demonstrator in March of this year (2009) and have loved every minute of it. I hope to be a demonstrator for a long time so I can share ideas with you, my friends!