Monday, July 27, 2009

Special of the week #5

Ladies, this will be the last "special of the week." This week's special is on the "Heart to Heart" Punch. It is regularly sold for $15.95 but is on sale this week (through the 31st) for $10.99. Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing before the end of the week. If you missed any of the specials of the week, I found out that demonstrators will be able to order them all until August 2nd. I will probably place an order on August 1st so let me know if you want anything.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Stampin' Up! special week #4

This week's special is on the Styled Vanilla Hodgepodge Hardware. It normally goes for $29.95 but is selling for $18.99. Wow, that is an incredible savings!! I will be closing the Tooele Club order tonight, so if you want to take advantage of this special, call me ASAP.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Deal of the Week #3

This week's deal is the "Square Fire" Rhinestone Brads. They are found on page 179 of the new catalog. The package includes 80 brads in four colors (pink, red pumpkin & yellow) & in two sizes. They regularly sell for $10.95 and are on sale this week for $6.99!! Let me know by Friday morning if you want to order any.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Deal of the Week, week #2

This week's deal is the Doctor's Bag used to transport the Big Shot. It is being offered at $49.99. That is a savings of $19.96. Let me know by Friday if you want to order one.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Stampin' Up July Specials!

The promotion for July is that each week they will offer a discount on a selected item.
For July 1-5 the special is on the scallop edge punch! It regularly sells for $15.95 and is specially priced at $10.99 for these five days only.
I will find out about next weeks special on Monday the 6th after 10:00 A.M.
I haven't sent in Aurora Club's orders yet, so if this is something you have been wanting, now is the time to get it! I am hoping to send the orders by Friday morning, so let me know by then if you want to add it on!


About Me

My photo
I definitely have an artistic side and love to express my self through music, and paper crafting. I have been a musician since I was a toddler when I first displayed a love of singing and playing the piano. I have taught Piano Lessons for over 20 years now and have enjoyed all of my students over the years. I just signed up to be a Stampin' Up! demonstrator in March of this year (2009) and have loved every minute of it. I hope to be a demonstrator for a long time so I can share ideas with you, my friends!